Statutory Authority and Rules
Here you will find our statutes and rules regarding the collection and release of vital records.
Here you will find our statutes and rules regarding the collection and release of vital records. State statutes are created by the New Hampshire Legislature and are published in the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated and serve as legal authority for the Department of State.
New Hampshire Statutes
Title I, The State and Its Government, RSA 5-C, Vital Records Administration
Title X, Public Health, RSA 126, Vital Records Health Statistics
Title XII, Public Safety and Welfare, RSA 170-B:18, Adoption-Report of Adoption
Title XII, Public Safety and Welfare, RSA 170-B:19, Adoption-Confidentiality of Records
Title XXVI, Cemeteries: Burials: Dead Bodies, RSA 290, Burials and Disinternments
Title XLIII, Domestic Relations, RSA 457:38, Marriages-Proof of Marriage - Certified Copy of Record