Absentee Ballots
New Hampshire voters may vote by absentee ballot for specific reasons.
You can vote absentee in any election if you are unable to vote in person because:
- You will be out of town on election day; or
- You have a religious observance that prevents you from voting in person; or
- You have a physical disability or illness that prevents you from voting in person; or
- You have an employment commitment or must care for an adult or child during the entire time polls are open; or
- You are confined in a penal institution for a conviction of a misdemeanor or while awaiting trial; or
- You are a member of the Attorney General’s Address Confidentiality Program or are protected by a Domestic Violence Protective Order; or
- The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm, blizzard, or ice storm warning for your town/ ward for election day, and you have concerns about safely traveling in the storm.
How to request an absentee ballot
If you qualify to vote absentee, you will need to complete an Absentee Ballot Application and return it to your local clerk. You can find contact information for your local clerk using our Voter Information Lookup.
If you are registering to vote by absentee, you must also complete the appropriate affidavit form.
- If you are registering to vote absentee due to a disability or illness, you must fill out the Absentee Voter Registration Affidavit - Physically Disabled.
- If you are registering to vote absentee due to absence, you must fill out the Absentee Voter Registration Affidavit – Temporarily Absent.
How to register by mail
If you plan on voting absentee but are not registered to vote yet, you can request absentee registration forms and instructions from your clerk before requesting an absentee ballot.
After you have applied for an absentee ballot, you can use the Voter Information Lookup to find out if your clerk has received your request, when the absentee ballot was sent to you, and when your clerk received your completed absentee ballot.
Deadlines for absentee voters
Completed absentee ballots must be returned to your local clerk by mail or in person.
Deadline by mail: 5:00 p.m. on election day.
Deadline in person: By 5:00 p.m. the day before the election.
Accessible Absentee Voting
If you have a print disability, you may apply for an Accessible Electronic Absentee Ballot. Visit our Voting with Disabilities page for information on how to apply.
Uniformed & Overseas (UOCAVA) Ballots
If you are a member of the military or living temporarily overseas, visit our UOCAVA page for voting Information.
Absentee Ballot Instructions and Applications
- Absentee Voter Registration Requirements & Instructions
- Absentee Voter Registration and Voting Instructions
- Absentee Ballot Application State Election
- Absentee Ballot Application Local Election
- Absentee Voter Registration Affidavit Physically Disabled
- Absentee Voter Registration Affidavit Temporarily Absent
- Absentee Ballot Marking and Mailing Instructions
Out of State Voters
Registered to vote in another state, but living temporarily in New Hampshire? You can still vote in your state’s election with an absentee ballot: