Accessible Voting
The American Disabilities Act requires that all polling places and voting processes be accessible.
Every polling place in New Hampshire is equipped with an accessible voting system known as “one4all” that permits a voter with a disability to vote independently and in private.
More recently, New Hampshire has implemented an accessible absentee voting system for voters with print disabilities. This system allows a voter to receive and mark an absentee ballot on their own personal computer. The marked ballot, after being secured in the affidavit envelope, must then be returned to the city or town clerk by conventional means. Application for an Accessible Electronic Absentee Ballot (Coming Soon!)
Only voters who have a print disability that makes use of the system necessary may use the electronic application and absentee voting system. The signature on the application may be typed and will be accepted as a valid signature. Voters may e-mail the completed application to their clerk. As with all applications for an absentee ballot, this form may also be used to request absentee voter registration forms and instructions. See section on the previous page for absentee registration.
The Application for an Accessible Electronic Absentee Ballot can be read with NVDA and JAWS screen readers using Adobe Reader, which is a free download available here. To fill out the Application, download it and open it in Adobe.