Honorarium and Expense Reports, RSA 15-B and 14-C

Executive Branch and Legislative Branch expense reimbursement reports

EXECUTIVE BRANCH Honorarium or Expense Reimbursement Report

15-B Purpose. – The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that the performance of official duties does not give rise to a conflict of interest, by prohibiting certain gifts and by requiring certain persons to file with the secretary of state a report of any honorariums or expense reimbursements received. This chapter shall be liberally construed to effect this purpose.

LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Honorarium or Expense Reimbursement Report

14-C Purpose. – The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that persons charged with carrying out the duties and activities of the legislative branch of state government do so in an atmosphere that supports the independent judgment of such persons and minimizes the opportunity for inappropriate influence by persons or organizations subject to or likely to become subject to or interested in any matter or action pending in the legislative branch. To that end, this chapter defines gifts that may not be given to, solicited by, or accepted by persons subject to the provisions of the chapter and establishes requirements for the reporting of honorariums, expense reimbursements, and certain other receipts. This chapter shall be liberally construed to effect this purpose.


For Advisory Opinions and Interpretive Rulings please visit the committee sites below:

If you would like copies of honorarium or expense reimbursement reports, please email requests to: elections@sos.nh.gov